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Things I'm Loving: July!

Well hello all! Fancy seeing you again at this time of the month! And no I don't mean that time of the month. Once again another month has come and gone. July was a really good month for me. I'm sad to see it leave because that means August is next and August is school. BUT August is also my One Direction concert so I'm not too sad. Today I will be sharing with you the things I loved in July. Compared to my previous months this one is pretty short. I only have a handful of things to share. July for me was more about memories and summer nights than it was products or new things. I made a lot of memories this month. July you've been good to me. Well then, let's hop right in!

1) As I said this month was the month of memories and summer nights spent with family and friends. From 4th of July with family, exploring historic downtown, seeing various musicals and plays with friends, going to a party and spending time with awesome people, the drive- in, grabbing coffee and dinner with an old friend and going to see a new movie, my month was one with lots of good times and great memories!

2) Despite my socially busy month I actually watched a ridiculous amount of Netflix...... again. #sorrynotsorry This month was the month for three new TV shows which I have gotten addicted to.

First is the BBC America show Copper. The main character, Kevin 'Corky' Corcorcan plays and immigrant Irish detective, or 'copper' in New York City in the 1860s.

 He and his two best friends and fellow coppers patrol the area making sure to keep trouble at bay. It's such an interesting plot, there's so many quirky characters and character development, the sets are mind blowing, it's just an amazing series. Unfortunately, there is only 2 seasons, insert crying profusely emoji here, but they are the best 2 seasons you'll spend your time watching. It's got action, comedy, romance, suspense, it's got it all! Definitely go check it out!

Next is, Desperate Housewives. Go ahead and judge. I'd judge too if you told me to watch it but in all actuality it's a really good series. It details the lives of 5 women living in the perfect little Suburbia neighborhood as they figure out their lives and also try and solve the mysterious death of one of their friends. They uncover dirty, deep, dark secrets about themselves and their neighbors.

I've only watched a couple of episodes but it will definitely have you hooked. It's like a grown- up version of Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars. If you like drama, suspense and gossip then this show is for you. 

Last is ABC Family's series Baby Daddy. This show is adorably funny and cute!

 It's centered around Ben Wheeler, a 20 something care-free, flirtatious bartender who get's the surprise of his life dropped off on his doorstep. He soon learns that he is a father and with the help of his friends and family raises his daughter. It's so cute and funny and just a feel good TV show. If you're looking for a 'light' TV series to start watch this one. 

3) Last but not least is this new song/artist which I've been OBSESSED with is the song 'Leave the Night On' by Sam Hunt. 

Oh my god this has been my jam this month. He's a pop/country artist from Georgia and boy oh boy can he sing! I love the way his voice sounds. You can just hear the southern come through. It's perfection. He's perfection. Plus, he's pretty damn good looking too so I mean I can't complain. Like go check him out on Spotify right now! 

Ok guys well that's it for my July favorites... Short I know. Haha! A nice change from my longer posts. I really didn't have too many 'thing's this month but more 'people' and 'events'. Next month will hopefully be more things! 

Till next time lovelies! 

"these are a few of my favorite things"

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