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Man with pants on the ground arrested; wanted man with suspended license arrested: Berea Police Blotter - cleveland.com


BEREA, Ohio -- Suspicion, East Bagley Road: An Alliance, Ohio, man was taken to Southwest General Health Center in Middleburg Heights after police found him walking with his pants down outside Walgreens, 6 E. Bagley.

Someone called police at about 4:10 p.m. Dec. 15 after seeing the man attempt to enter parked cars outside Walgreens. The man then climbed into a Hyundai with a New Jersey license plate.

When police arrived, the man was walking away from the Hyundai. His pants were partially down, above the knees. The man was not talking normally and didn't understand what was happening. His pants then fell below his knees, and police placed him in handcuffs.

In the Hyundai, police found hospital discharge papers and a vehicle crash citation belonging to the man. The Hyundai was registered to a car-rental agency that had rented a car to the man. The man was unable to tell police his name, age, location or if he had consumed alcohol or drugs.

Falsification, driving with a suspended license; North Rocky River Drive: A Cleveland man, 54, was arrested at about 9:45 p.m. Dec. 16 after police caught him driving with a suspended license on North Rocky River near West Bagley Road.

Police had stopped the man's Chevrolet Equinox after seeing the car twice drift into the center left-turn lane while traveling straight. The man was not carrying a license. He provided police his correct name, but gave them a false Social Security number.   

Police determined that the man was wanted in Euclid. Inside his car, they found a metal thermos filled with beer. Police then learned that the fake Social Security number he had provided belonged to an alias he had used in the past during criminal activity.  

Operating a vehicle under the influence, North Rocky River Drive: A Columbia man, 58, was arrested at about 2:30 a.m. Dec. 16 after police saw his Ford Ranger traveling without headlights near Emerson Drive.

Police checked the Ranger's license-plate number and found that the man's license had been suspended. They stopped the vehicle near Karen Drive.

The inside of the Ranger smelled like alcohol. The man said he had consumed only two beers. His speech was slurred and his eyes were red. He failed field sobriety tests and police found several open cans of Busch beer in his vehicle.

Driving with a suspended license, First Avenue: A Garfield Heights man, 50, was cited at about 11:50 a.m. Dec. 14 after police caught him driving with a suspended license.

Police had stopped the man's Ford Taurus after hearing an excessive amount of noise coming from the vehicle. The car's backseat passenger, a 20-year-old Parma man, was arrested after police learned that he was wanted by the Medina County Sheriff's Office.

Operating a vehicle under the influence, Baldwin Drive: A Berea man, 30, was arrested at about 1 a.m. Dec. 17 after police saw his Honda Accord traveling 45 mph in a 35 mph zone.

The inside of the car smelled like alcohol. The man admitted to drinking "beers." He failed field sobriety tests.


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