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Can I require TIME stop pwease?? *I know it wont :(*

Arrive in Scotland - part of United Kingdom

Edinburgh -the counrty capital and the 2nd largest cities.

Time flies, too fast in fact
Bloody Assignment make me can't breath over!
There are still a lots of things I wanted to DO!

BUT i had NO times :( *sad*
I wants to blog,
I wants to upload photo,
I wants to visit my new frens in Leeds -- >Ayaka Waki (She's from Osaka)
I wants to had a great chat with my new frens from China ---> Celine ( She's from China)
I wants to had a dinner with Mathilde (France), Vivian ( China) and of course Celine ! :)
I wants to had some walk with my Liverpool friends.
Oww, I had a great time with them in Scotland.

Thanks to " Don't Be A Tourist "
giving me such great opportunity to visit Scotland again, and I knew many new International friends from Japan, Taiwan, France, Spain and China.
Overall, this is a worth trip..experience different things. I'm independent as always :)

My new friends, from China - Celine and Vivian
(the 1st photo of us)

the warm Britain

A new experience overnight in a dorm with 16 peoples. Sharing public toilets (male + female )!
English style kitchen & breakfast.

Well i just wanna drop down all the things I feel that it is memorable (to prevent I forget what i did this few days.)

Anyway, is time to back to my assignment i guess ? :(
Adigos Amigos

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