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To make that 'I'll go on a diet' resolution whilst simultaneously gorging on left over Christmas chocolate.

To wake up with the mother of all hangovers because of New Year's Eve festivities and think '2014 why do you hate me already??'

To really regret not implementing a 'Clean Up After Yourself' policy when you survey the mess your party guests have left you.

To consider putting Baileys in your coffee first thing in the morning. It's acceptable on Christmas Day so why not New Years? 

To panic when you realise the sales are now no longer restricted to January. They started Boxing Day. That handbag that was going to be half price? Someone had a 7 day head start on you.

To really want Spring to hurry up. We're so over being cold now.

To really wish that TV would remain as awesome as it has been the past 4 weeks all year.

To start thinking about who you can 'up-cycle' your unwanted gifts to as birthday presents this year.

To cringe at the flashbacks from the office party. You haven't been 100% sober since then (that was two weeks ago) but now you are it's enough to make you wince in pain. No wonder your boss keeps winking at you...

To realise that there's only 334 days left until the festive period starts all over again.

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