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What Next?

Well, my Fleshtearers are coming together quite nicely...  I ordered a Chaplain Lemartes from Dave up at the Gopher since it appears that I'll be fielding him, or a "Fleshtearers" equivalent...  So, I guess it is down to an "Angels Choice" with either the Dark or Blood Angels being what I field in the event we wander up to Adepticon next year...  Pretty sure I can come up with a 1000 point "we're just here to kick asses, who's next" list with either of them...  I guess I have some time to get them together either way though...

DA plus side:  Fearless Scoring Assault Terminators with CML's.  Yeah, that pretty much sums it up...  Combine it with teleport homers on the Ravenwing bikes, they have the ability to appear almost anywhere on the table, and issue the "Molon Labe" while sitting on an objective...  Hard to dig out, and could potentially win a lot of games...

FT plus side:  Well, they're FAST and hit like a ton of bricks.  They win by being the only things left alive at the end or...  No, that's pretty much it.  Kill them all, or lose.  So, I'd have to bring a "hybrid" list with my Scouts to perform "objective babysitting" for my half of the list.    Not quite as confident with them, but I can react to a LOT with them, and I can not really think of better shock troops in any of my armies for pure offensive power...

Any thoughts?

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