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Ignoring Mrs Grundy

Mentalfloss had a list of 12 Nutty Dungeons & Dragons Media Mentions from the 1980s yesterday.  Ironically, their list starts in 1984, the same year that marks the beginning of the Silver Age according the esteemed Mr Maliszewski.  It also marked my graduating college, getting married and joining the Navy.  In that temporal order, if not in order of importance.  Because of all three reasons my gaming opportunities were in serious decline, but I do remember the silly stories and accusations in the news at that time.  I even wrote a letter to the Virginia Pilot newspaper defending the hobby, but I don't recall it getting published.

Back to the topic of this post, I submit that when the Mrs Grundy's of the world start voicing their disapproval of the immorality of a new hobby, said hobby has moved from avant-guarde to become boringly mainstream. 

The conclusion therefore is that Mrs Grundy should be ignored. 

This applies to anyone who insists that their preferred game and version for Role Playing is the best.  Such people are unicorns in my circle of acquaintances, everyone has heard of them, but no one has ever seen them.  Mind you, I don't think there are many virgins left in my acquaintance who could theoretically capture one.

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