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The Horror of Car Troubles

So you may have been wondering where I have been lately. Or maybe you didn't notice. Either way, I've been pretty darn busy lately since my car is officially D-E-A-D. We've been looking into getting a replacement and unfortunately, it's taken up quite a bit of my time. However, I promise to keep truckin' along!

What's to come on The Horror Effect? Well, hopefully a review of Legion will hit the blog soon. I just hope I can write a review that will make you laugh as much as the movie did. Also, I'm thinking about doing another CAPS review soon. I'm considering Wrong Turn 3, what do you think?

In the meantime, here's an awesome, long-lost commercial that the very talented Wings from Caffeinated Joe helped me find when I was doing Fridays in October. P.S. It has to do with car troubles. And speaking of this commercial, I'll probably review Cujo soon as well.

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